Kejadian 1:6

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Kejadian 1:6

Post by eltsaddik » Sat Jun 22, 2019 12:46 am

Genesis 1:6 Tuhan bertitah,"Jadilah bentangan cakrawala di tengah air dan pisahkan antara air dengan air".
Genesis 1:7 Demikianlah Tuhan selesai membuat bentangan cakrawala, dan Dia membagi antara air yang dari bawah cakrawala dan air yang dari atas cakrawala, dan jadilah demikian.

karena air di bawah dan di atas bentangan cakrawala dipisah, berarti jaman dahulu di atas cakrawala ada lapisan air, mantel air ini turun sbg hujan besar sewaktu banjir era Noah, lalu ke mana air dari atas ini? yang jelas bumi menyerap air tsb
dan mungkin disimpan dlm batuan2 padat di perut bumi

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Re: Kejadian 1:6

Post by eltsaddik » Sat Jun 22, 2019 12:48 am ... antle.html

Deep within the Earth's rocky mantle lies oceans' worth of water locked up in a type of mineral called ringwoodite, new research shows.

The results of the study will help scientists understand Earth's water cycle, and how plate tectonics moves water between the surface of the planet and interior reservoirs, researchers say.

The Earth's mantle is the hot, rocky layer between the planet's core and crust. Scientists have long suspected that the mantle's so-called transition zone, which sits between the upper and lower mantle layers 255 to 410 miles (410 to 660 kilometers) below Earth's surface, could contain water trapped in rare minerals. However, direct evidence for this water has been lacking, until now. [See Images of Water-Rich Ringwoodite and Earth's Layers]

To see if the transition zone really is a deep reservoir for water, researchers conducted experiments on water-rich ringwoodite, analyzed seismic waves travelling through the mantle beneath the United States, and studied numerical models. They discovered that downward-flowing mantle material is melting as it crosses the boundary between the transition zone and the lower mantle layer.

"If we are seeing this melting, then there has to be this water in the transition zone," said Brandon Schmandt, a seismologist at the University of New Mexico and co-author of the new study published today (June 12) in the journal Science. "The transition zone can hold a lot of water, and could potentially have the same amount of H2O [water] as all the world's oceans." (Melting is a way of getting rid of water, which is unstable under conditions in Earth's lower mantle, the researchers said.)

A water-rich mineral

Ringwoodite is a rare type of mineral that forms from olivine under very high pressures and temperatures, such as those present in the mantle's transition zone. Laboratory studies have shown that the mineral can contain water, which isn't present as liquid, ice or vapor; instead, it is trapped in the ringwoodite's molecular structure as hydroxide ions (bonded oxygen and hydrogen atoms).

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Re: Kejadian 1:6

Post by eltsaddik » Sat Jun 22, 2019 12:51 am

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