Agama Babel - Agama Rasi Bintang Orion

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Agama Babel - Agama Rasi Bintang Orion

Post by eltsaddik » Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:24 pm

ORION berarti pemburu
dalam Alkitab, pemburu yang terkenal adalah Nimrod
TB-LAI Kej 10:9 ITB
(9) ia seorang pemburu yang gagah perkasa di hadapan TUHAN, sebab itu dikatakan orang: "Seperti Nimrod, seorang pemburu yang gagah perkasa di hadapan TUHAN."
Kej 10:9 ET2021
(9) Ia seorang pemburu yang perkasa di hadapan YHWH. Sebab itu dikatakan, "Seperti Nimrod, seorang pemburu yang perkasa di hadapan YHWH."

Kej 10:10 Dan mula-mula kerajaannya terdiri atas Babel, Erek, Akkad, dan Kalneh, di tanah Shinear.
Kej 10:11 Dari negeri itu ia pergi ke Ashur, lalu mendirikan Nineweh, dan Rehobot-Ir, dan Kelakh,
Kej 10:12 dan Resen yang terletak antara Nineweh dan Kelakh, itu adalah kota yang besar.
==> nimrod adalah gelar, bukan nama diri, karena nama2 babel erek akkad kalneh itu kota2 dengan dinasti berbeda2
Sumeria (babel) disebut SiNeaR/SiNaR di bahasa Ibrani

arti dan makna PEMBURU

tafsir Dr. Gill
Besides the tribes already named, there sprang from Cush Nimrod, the founder of the first imperial kingdom, the origin of which is introduced as a memorable event into the genealogy of the tribes, just as on other occasions memorable events are interwoven with the genealogical tables (cf. 1Ch_2:7, 1Ch_2:23; 1Ch_4:22-23, 1Ch_4:39-41).
(Note: These analogies overthrow the assertion that the verses before us have been interpolated by the Jehovist into the Elohistic document; since the use of the name Jehovah is no proof of difference of authorship, nor the use of יָלִד for הֹולִיד, as the former also occurs in Gen_10:13, Gen_10:15, Gen_10:24, and Gen_10:26.)
Nimrod “began to be a mighty one in the earth.” גִּבֹּר is used here, as in Gen_6:4, to denote a man who makes himself renowned for bold and daring deeds. Nimrod was mighty in hunting, and that in opposition to Jehovah (ἐναντίον κυρίον, lxx); not before Jehovah in the sense of, according to the purpose and will of Jehovah, still less, like לֵאלֹהִים in Jon_3:3, or τῷ Θεῷ in Act_7:20, in a simply superlative sense. The last explanation is not allowed by the usage of the language, the second is irreconcilable with the context. The name itself, Nimrod from מָרַד, “we will revolt,” points to some violent resistance to God. It is so characteristic that it can only have been given by his contemporaries, and thus have become a proper name.
(Note: This was seen even by Perizonius (Origg. Babyl. p. 183), who says, “Crediderim hominem hunc utpote venatorem ferocem et sodalium comitatu succinctum semper in ore habuisse et ingeminasse, ad reliquos in rebellionem excitandos, illud nimrod, nimrod, h.e. rebellemus, rebellemus, atque inde postea ab aliis, etiam ab ipso Mose, hoc vocabalo tanquam proprio nomine designatium,” and who supports his opinion by other similar instances in history.)
In addition to this, Nimrod as a mighty hunter founded a powerful kingdom; and the founding of this kingdom is shown by the verb וַתְּהִי with ו consec. to have been the consequence or result of his strength in hunting, so that the hunting was most intimately connected with the establishment of the kingdom. Hence, if the expression “a mighty hunter” relates primarily to hunting in the literal sense, we must add to the literal meaning the figurative signification of a “hunter of men” (“trapper of men by stratagem and force,” Herder); Nimrod the hunter became a tyrant, a powerful hunter of men. This course of life gave occasion to the proverb, “like Nimrod, a mighty hunter against the Lord,” which immortalized not his skill in hunting beasts, but the success of his hunting of men in the establishment of an imperial kingdom by tyranny and power. But if this be the meaning of the proverb, יְהֹוָה לִפְנֵי “in the face of Jehovah” can only mean in defiance of Jehovah, as Josephus and the Targums understand it. And the proverb must have arisen when other daring and rebellious men followed in Nimrod's footsteps, and must have originated with those who saw in such conduct an act of rebellion against the God of salvation, in other words, with the possessors of the divine promises of grace.
(Note: This view of Nimrod and his deeds is favoured by the Eastern legend, which not only makes him the builder of the tower of Babel, which was to reach to heaven, but has also placed him among the constellations of heaven as a heaven-storming giant, who was chained by God in consequence. Vid., Herzog's Real-Encycl. Art. Nimrod.)

Pemburu perkasa Di HADAPAN YHWH=pemburu yang melawan YHWH
sebab agama Sinear/Sumer adalah agama2 yang tidak menyembah YHWH
dengan sosok sesembahan yang dipatungkan (dilarang dalam hukum kedua YHWH)
dengan nama2 seperti MARDUK, BEL, ENKI, ASHUR, ENLIL, ISTHAR dll ... #Mythology
tiap kota punya sesembahan sendiri2, patungnya beda2, nama juga beda2

Ciri Khas Agama Langit
1. Memiliki bangunan tinggi (menara) sebagai tiruan/anak dari Menara Babel
2. Menyembah benda langit/tentara langit: bulan, bintang, meteor, meteorit, komet, dst
3. Personifikasi bintang dengan wujud rasi bintang
4. Numerologi-RAMALAN, cocoklogi angka
Image ... legendanya ... njuk-arah-
Orion atau Waluku ("Bintang Bajak"), adalah suatu rasi bintang yang sering disebut-sebut sebagai sang Pemburu. Rasi ini mungkin merupakan rasi yang paling terkenal dan mudah dikenali di angkasa. Orang Jawa mengenal bagian deretan tiga bintang sabuk (ζ,ε, dan δ) dan deretan tiga bintang pedang (M43, M42, dan ι) sebagai deretan bintang Belantik atau Beluku. Bintang-bintang terangnya terletak pada ekuator langit dan terlihat dari seluruh dunia, sehingga membuat rasi ini dikenal secara luas.

Orion sang pemburu berdiri di sebelah sungai Eridanus dengan dua anjing pemburunya, Canis Major (anjing besar) dan Canis Minor (anjing kecil), melawan Taurus, sang kerbau. Buruan lainnya seperti Lepus, si kelinci, juga ada di dekatnya. ... mu-temui/5

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Re: Agama Babel - Agama Rasi Bintang Orion

Post by eltsaddik » Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:25 pm

astrology India
Orion adalah manifestasi Dewa Wisnu, dan disebut Kaalpurush
Image ... Is-it-true

agama di jawa, siwa buddha
Sekedar informasi, dari titik ini Puthuk Setmbu, posisi Candi Borobudur, Candi Pawon, dan Candi Mendut terlihat membentuk garis lurus imajiner ke arah timur. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari dugaan bahwa pembangunan candi dan bangunan suci lainnya direncanakan dengan mempertimbangkan keselarasan mikrokosmos dan makrokosmos. Tata letak dan tata bangunan Candi Borobudur, Candi Pawon, dan Candi Mendut dirancang dengan menggabungkan konsep Tri Mandala (Hindu) dan Vajradhatu Mandala (Buddha). Secara makrokosmos posisi ketiga candi diduga terkait tiga sabuk Rasi Bintang Orion, yaitu Alnitak, Alnilam, Mintaka. Sampai saat ini, hal tersebut masih menjadi bahan diskusi bagi para ahli arkeostronomi.
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Re: Agama Babel - Agama Rasi Bintang Orion

Post by eltsaddik » Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:28 pm

Orion di agama Mesir kuno
The ancient Egyptians also viewed the area of the sky around Orion as a god. To the Egyptians that patch of sky represented Sah, the father of the gods. Orion's belt was seen to be a crown on Sah's head, and the bright star Sirius (in the nearby constellation Canis Major) was Sah's wife Sopdet, a fertility goddess.

piramida Giza
Jika dibandingkan dengan Empire State Building di New York, piramida atau piramid ini lebih besar 30 kali lipat dan bahkan bisa terlihat dari bulan. Sementara bangsa Mesir Kuno sendiri membangunnya dalam waktu 30 tahun. Belum lagi dari cara memindahkan batu batuan dan menyusunnya menjadi piramida yang tinggi (ada yang mengatakan membuat struktur lereng atau ulir seperti pada skrup yang kemudian dikapur dengan batu kapur pada lapisan luar. Ada pula yang menyebutkan bahwa batu batu tersebut adalah hasil pengecoran), konstruksi yang akurat serta titik berat pusat benda. Sehingga seperti yang diutarakan sebelumnya ada yang menyebutkan bahwa Piramida dibangun oleh UFO dengan mengkaitkannya dengan potret piramida di Mars. Ada lagi yang berspekulasi bahwa piramida dibangun oleh manusia masa datang yang terdampar pada masa lalu. Ada pula piramida berhubungan dengan rasi gugus bintang Orion ditinjau dari letak katiga piramida Giza dan Piramida Maya pun diyakini memiliki letak dan posisi yang sama berdasarkan gugus rasi bintang Orion. Selain itu diyakini pula ada ruangan di bawah Sfinks (yang dinamakan Hall off Records) yang merupakan kunci rahasia menuju Zep Tepi yakni suatu zaman keemasan masa lampau ketika Piramid Giza ini di buat.
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Re: Agama Babel - Agama Rasi Bintang Orion

Post by eltsaddik » Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:02 pm

StoneHenge ... nge-008700
Winter Hexagon and the Great Southern Triangle formed by Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, Capella, Aldebaran and Rigel with Betelgeuse and, incidentally, the Moon within. All stars of an apparent magnitude of at least 2 mag are labelled . ( CC BY SA 3.0 )

The Winter Hexagon was believed by many Neolithic cultures – Sumerians, Egyptians, Chinese, Maya, and others - to be the cosmic womb and source of the spirit of life in the universe. The constellation of Orion is situated within the hexagon. Contemporary with culture(s) which built Stonehenge and the Palisade, Pre-dynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt believed Orion represented Osiris, psycho pomp of the dead in the Duat, receiver and protector of the spirit of each pharaoh. The pharaoh’s spirit travelled from Earth to Orion via spirit road, the Milky Way from Sirius to Capella.

Included within the Winter Hexagon on Salisbury Plain is Orion. Alnitak, one of the three stars of Orion’s Belt, is represented by the Heel Stone at Stonehenge, the megalith adjoining the womb of Earth represented by the henge and iconic stone structure. The Greater Cursus represents the Milky Way between the star Sirius (west end of the cursus) and ecliptic (long barrow Amesbury 42) where the path of the sun intersects the galactic plane. Farther east, Woodhenge represents the star Capella in the constellation of Auriga, the shepherd. The book ‘Stonehenge: As Above, So Below’ (2014, New Generation Publishing, London) details the planning, design, construction and use of the Grand Design at Stonehenge.

During or soon after construction of megalithic Stonehenge, the Avenue was built between the Heel Stone and River Avon to the east. As demonstrated in the book, by about 2480 BC the Grand Design included the Avenue as a representation of Orion’s right arm reaching out to receive the body of the dead as it was brought to land after being floated down river from Durrington Walls. Upon the Stonehenge landscape is Orion – overlord of the spirit world - prepared to receive not only the body along the Avenue to Stonehenge, but the spirit of the dead via the spirit path represented by the Greater Cursus, from Sirius to Capella. The scenario parallels the ancient Egyptian understandings. The body remains with Mother Earth, the spirit returning to the sky and Orion. ... d223344eb3

The three belt stars (Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka) are located in the central portion of the monument – inside the horseshoe of megalithic trilithons and in the vicinity of the Altar Stone.
Image ... red_Intent
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Re: Agama Babel - Agama Rasi Bintang Orion

Post by eltsaddik » Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:31 pm
The Thornborough Henges are an unusual ancient monument complex that includes the three aligned henges that give the site its name. The complex is located near the village of Thornborough, close to the town of Masham in North Yorkshire, England. The complex includes many large ancient structures including a cursus, henges, burial grounds and settlements.

They are thought to have been part of a Neolithic and Bronze Age 'ritual landscape' comparable to Salisbury Plain and date from between 3500 and 2500 BC. This monument complex has been called 'The Stonehenge of the North'. Historic England considers its landscape comparable in ceremonial importance to better known sites such as Stonehenge, Avebury, and Orkney.[1]

In recent decades, there has been public concern about the impact on the ritual landscape of quarrying by Tarmac.

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Re: Agama Babel - Agama Rasi Bintang Orion

Post by eltsaddik » Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:45 am
History of Arabic Star Names

Ptolemy, the Greek astronomer who lived and worked around 100-178 CE in Alexandria, Egypt, collected ancient Greek descriptions of 1,022 stars in his famous book The Great System of Astronomy, popularised under its shortened Arabic title, the Almagest. Ptolemy’s catalogue of stars arranged into 48 constellations, with estimates of their brightness, based largely on the observations of the Greek earlier astronomers, such as Hipparchus.
Ptolemy’s book was translated twice into Arabic in the 9th century and became famous. Many of the Arabic-language star descriptions in the Almagest came to be used widely as names for stars. The leading expert on star names in Islamic astronomy, the German historian Paul Kunitzsch, has identified two traditions of star names in Muslim heritage. The first is the traditional star folklore of the Muslim peoples which he has named “indigenous-Arabic”, the second being the scientific Islamic Arabic tradition, which he designates “scientific-Arabic”.

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Re: Agama Babel - Agama Rasi Bintang Orion

Post by eltsaddik » Mon Nov 29, 2021 5:48 am

Pemburu Gilgamesh ... and-egypt/
The earliest story concerning Orion was recorded by the Sumerians who ruled the southernmost region of Mesopotamia, or the land lying between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates. To this urban civilization, the constellation represented their hero Gilgamesh, whose exploits were immortalised in the first surviving piece of heroic literature called the Epic of Gilgamesh. While records point to Gilgamesh being a historical king who ruled over the Sumerian city of Uruk in southern Mesopotamia sometime between 2700 and 2500 BC, the mythology describes Gilgamesh as a demigod possessing superhuman strength whose great accomplishments assured his divine status amongst his subjects.

Amongst Gilgamesh’s many great deeds was ordering the city walls of Uruk to be built, and wrestling with the wild man, Enkidu, representing the natural world, who was sent by the gods to humble him. Following a fierce battle, they became great friends, and enjoyed many adventures together, including killing Gugalanna, the Bull of Heaven, who had been unleashed by the supreme god Anu to kill Gilgamesh after an appeal by his daughter the goddess Inanna (Akkadian: Ishtar) whose affections Gilgamesh had spurned. The Sumerians subsequently honored the struggle by depicting Gilgamesh in the celestial heavens as the constellation of URU AN-NA (“the light of heaven”) fighting a bull, identified as the modern nearby constellation of Taurus. Amongst the attributes ascribed to the constellation of URU AN-NA was a bow in Gilgamesh’s left hand, an axe in his right, and a sword hanging from his belt.

membunuh sapi langit=mengalahkan EL - Tuhan Semitik

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